Serving patients across all of Georgia
Welcome to the Modivcare Member web site for Georgia. Currently this site hosts information for members about how to get a ride if they have no other way to get a ride.
The forms on this site are stored in PDF format. Your computer must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed for you to be able to read and print the forms. If you do not have a copy of Adobe Acrobat, you can download it for free at
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How to Access Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NET) for Georgia Medicaid Members
Member FAQs
How will I know what time to be ready for my ride?
Modivcare will tell you what time to be ready. If the pick-up time changes, we will call you.
If I have a vehicle in my household am I eligible for transportation?
What are the requirements to receive non-emergency medical transportation?
Transportation is for Healthy Connections Medicaid members who need to see a doctor, go to other medical visits or go to the drug store. The Member's medical condition should not be an emergency.
What do I need to have when I call for a ride?
Medicaid ID number, Pick-up address and phone number, Appointment date and time, Doctor's name, Doctor's address and phone number.
What type of transportation will I get?
Modivcare will ask if you can walk or if you require the use of a wheelchair and will then provide the best type of transportation for your needs.
When should I call for a ride?
It is best to call for a ride at least 3 business days before your scheduled appointment. Urgent trips may be accepted with less than 3 days notice.
- Central Region 888.224.7981
- East Region 888.224.7988
- Southwest Region 888.224.7985
Can a family member be reimbursed to transport me to my appointments?
If the family member DOES NOT reside with you they can. You will need to provide their name, mailing address and social security number when you call your trip in. You will need and your medical facility will need to complete a Gas Reimbursement form. Forms and instructions can be found in the download section of this site.
Can I book a reservation on the internet?
Please enter on your web browser and you can register with Modivcare on our member service website to enter reservations.
How do I get a ride for repeat appointments like dialysis?
Ask your medical provider to help schedule rides for you.
What if the ride is late or I have other problems with transportation?
If your ride is 15 minutes past pick up time, please call our "Where's My Ride" line.
- Central Region 866.429.4061
- East Region 866.213.6853
- Southwest Region 877.972.5461
Who can call to request my ride?
You, a relative, caregiver, nurse or doctor.
Who will be taking me to my appointment?
Modivcare will schedule the type of transportation to meet your needs.