Serving patients across all of Utah
Welcome to the Modivcare Member website for Utah Department of Health members. This site hosts information for eligible Medicaid members to assist with transportation request to non- emergency medical appointments.
The forms on this site are stored in PDF format. Your computer must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed for you to be able to read and print the forms. If you do not have a copy of Adobe Acrobat, you can download it for free at
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Member FAQs
Can I call if I need assistance after 5:30 p.m. or on the weekend?
Yes, you can call the "Where's My Ride" line at 1-855-563-4404.
Can I call less than 3 business days in advance?
Yes, but Modivcare will have to speak to your medical provider. Your medical provider must verify that you need to come in and that your treatment cannot be delayed to another day. Otherwise you will have to reschedule your appointment.
Do I have to sign anything?
Yes. You have to sign the Driver's Log. Sign it once after you have been driven to your medical appointment. Sign it once again after you have been driven back to your residence.
How can my medical provider contact Modivcare?
Have your medical provider call 1-855-563-4403 or go online here.
How do I contact Modivcare to get a ride to a medical appointment?
Call 1-855-563-4403 or go online here.
How do I get rides that I need on a regular schedule like for dialysis?
You or your medical provider should contact Modivcare. Modivcare will contact your medical provider and ask them to make all of the trip reservations for you. Modivcare will make sure that you get rides until you or your medical provider says that you don't need them anymore.
How far in advance must I call?
At least three (3) business days before your medical appointment.
Appointment on: Call Modivcare on: Saturday Wednesday before Sunday Wednesday before Monday Wednesday before Tuesday Thursday before Wednesday Friday before Thursday Monday before Friday Tuesday before -
I get a bus pass from my medical provider each time I go there. Do I still have to contact Modivcare?
No, if you have access to free transportation, you are not eligible for transportation through Modivcare.
The driver knows when to come get me. Do I still need to contact Modivcare?
You do not have to contact Modivcare but your medical provider does in order for your ride to continue.
What do I do if I have an emergency?
Call 911 if you have a medical emergency.
What if I cannot take the bus and need a ride by a livery, wheelchair or stretcher?
Ask your medical provider to contact Modivcare to get you a ride by a livery, wheelchair, or stretcher.
What if I want to complain about my ride or another part of the service?
If you have a problem with your ride or service, call the "Where's My Ride" line at 1-855-563-4404.
What if I was denied a ride?
You have the right to appeal denials of rides by Modivcare. Following the completion of Modivcare's complaint process, all members have a right to request a State Fair Hearing.
What if my ride is late?
If your ride is more than 15 minutes late call the "Where's My Ride" line 1-855-563-4404. Modivcare will send another vehicle to get you if necessary.
What information do I need when I call or go online to request a ride from Modivcare?
You need your Medicaid ID number (found under your name on your purple card). You will need the name, address, zip code and telephone number of your medical provider. You will need the street address and the telephone number where you want to be picked up. You will also need the date and time of your appointment, any special needs you have and the general reason for the appointment (doctor's visit, check-up, eye appointment, etc.).
What is a Fair Hearing?
A Fair Hearing is a chance for you to tell an Administrative Law Judge why you think Modivcare’s decision is wrong.
What kind of ride will I get?
Modivcare will ask if you can walk or if you require the use of a wheelchair or stretcher, and will then provide the best type of transportation to meet your medical and mobility needs.
- What number do I call if I am deaf or hearing impaired?
What type of transportation is available?
- Ambulatory:
- You can walk unassisted from your residence to the curb and board the vehicle.
- You can walk unassisted from the vehicle to the medical facility.
- Wheelchair:
- You are confined to a wheelchair.
- You cannot transfer from the wheelchair to the seat of an ambulatory vehicle.
- You require a lift-equipped or roll-up wheelchair van and the assistance of trained personnel.
- Stretcher:
- You cannot walk and are confined to bed.
- You cannot sit up or sit in a wheelchair.
- You do not require medical monitoring during transport.
- Ambulatory:
When can I call to ask for a ride?
Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
When can I or my medical provider begin to call to request a ride?
You or your medical providers can start calling on January 20th for members who need a ride on or after February 1, 2014.
When does this start?
Calls accepted on January 20, 2014 for members whose appointment is on or after February 1, 2014.
Who can contact Modivcare to request a ride for me?
Yourself, a family member, caretaker or your medical provider.
Who can get a ride to medical appointments from Modivcare?
- Individuals who reside in Utah and are eligible for Traditional Medicaid Services.
- Who have no way to get a ride to their medical appointments, and
- Who cannot use bus or para-transit services due to a medical condition or if these services are not available in your area.
Who cannot get a ride through Modivcare?
Medicaid members who own their own vehicle or are in an area serviced by a bus or para-transit system. Also, Medicaid members who reside in a facility (nursing home), Members who receive mental health services under a Prepaid Mental Health Plan (PMHP) or Members who are receiving transportation services paid by: The Paiute Indian Tribe of Central Utah NEMT grant, The Utah Navajo Nation NEMT grant, The Confederated Tribes of Goshutes grant.
Who decides what time I will be picked up for my ride?
Modivcare knows how long it takes to get to your medical appointment. Modivcare will tell you when you can expect to be picked up.